St. Joseph ward members of St. Sabastian church Permannur visited Karunamaya ashram. God bless them for their compassion and generosity.
A very joyful celebration of the birthday of baby Thasvika at Karunamaya ashram
Prem Roche and Sherin celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary & their son, Baba Shawn’s 3rd birthday celebration with Karunamaya residents….
A delightful wedding anniversary celebration of sisters Lavina, Nathalia, and Alvita with Karunamaya residents
Baba Rishon celebrated his birthday with all of us at Karunamaya ashram!
Our friends and supporters from Ursuline Franciscan Rosario Church visited Karunamaya ashram spreading good will and hope to our residents
The Women’s organisation Cascia visited Karunamaya ashram